Understanding Window Glazing Technology

Feb 12, 2016

Understanding Window Glazing Technology

The window glazing of your replacement windows in Naperville, IL is simply the glass components. The technology of window glass has changed the way windows work in your home. Here are some common terms you may hear when you’re shopping for more energy-efficient windows for your home.

  • Gas fills – manufacturers fill the space between the panes of glass with an inert gas, such as argon or krypton, to add insulation to your windows
  • Insulated – windows which have two or panes of glass and are sealed between the spaces
  • Heat-absorbing tints – think of tinted glass, much like sunglasses. This product reduces the UV rays which come into your home, but it doesn’t reduce the heat that comes into your home.
  • Low-e coating – low-emissivity coatings reduce energy loss through windows by up to 50 percent. Most of the time, a low-e coating is applied when the glass is being manufactured, but you can also get the film itself and apply it to your windows if you don’t need to install new ones yet.
  • Reflective coatings – these coatings are thin, metallic layers generally used in hotter climates to reduce cooling costs, but they also block a lot of light from coming through the window
  • Spectrally selective coatings – customize your window treatment to allow some wavelengths of light into your home while keeping out others, this treatment tends to be more effective in hotter climates

By combining the window technologies, your replacement windows in Naperville, IL will keep your home more energy-efficient and let plenty of light into your life. It’s recommended that you should update your windows once they are about 15 years or older. Realtors agree that new windows are a great way to increase the curb appeal of your home if you’re trying to sell. Even if you’re not ready sell, updating your windows keeps your utility costs lower and maintains the comfort of your home all year long.