
How to Prevent Frost on Your Windows

There is nothing more peaceful than getting up on a cold winter morning and looking out your window to see blankets of fresh snow piling high. Along with the picturesque landscape and the chill in the air, you can’t help but notice frost forming on …

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Main Causes of Window Drafts

After a long day, when you get home, there is nothing better than being able to sit on the couch and unwind with a good book or your favorite show. But if you find your relaxation is interrupted by a need to make frequent trips to …

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Why You Should Clean Your Windows

No matter the age of your windows, keeping them clean is a critical step in their overall maintenance. This doesn’t necessarily have to be a time-intensive process either. Simply adding window cleaning to your typical to-do list, and allotting several minutes to get the job …

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How to Address Leaking Windows

Is your home too cool in the winter and too warm in the summer? These can be signs of a draft, which can be caused by air leaking out of your windows. Or perhaps water leakage is the issue and you’ve noticed small puddles forming …

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Signs That It Is Time for Replacement Windows

Are you considering a window replacement project but don’t know if now is the appropriate time to make that kind of investment? This is an uncertainty many homeowners grapple with. How do you know when your home is in need of replacement windows? Luckily, this …

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What to Do if Your Windows Are Letting in Hot Air?

During the summertime, nothing is more enticing then retreating into your home and relaxing in the cool air conditioning on a blazing hot day. However, this may be difficult if your windows are allowing hot air from outdoors to enter your home. This can make …

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How to Stop Your Windows From Fogging Up

Not only are your house windows a key asset to your home’s curb appeal, but they are also perfect for taking in outside views and allowing plenty of natural light to flood your home. However, if your windows tend to fog up, their clarity may …

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What Are the Benefits of Replacement Windows?

If your current windows are not doing your home justice then you might be considering replacement windows. However, when do you know it is really time to make that investment? Is it when your old windows become drafty? Or is it when your windows begin …

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Is Now the Time for Replacement Windows?

Cracked, peeling, or poorly aging windows are sure signs that it is time for a replacement. If your current windows are not functioning properly, then they could lead to unpleasant temperature fluctuations throughout your home. Old and damaged windows can also be unsightly and detract …

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