5 Window Cracks That Show It’s Time for Window Replacement
May 16, 2018Some window issues can be repaired. But certain window cracks may be a different story.
Some window issues can be repaired. But certain window cracks may be a different story. Window cracks are a precarious issue. Some people will assure you that they can be repaired, and some processes can temporarily slow the spread of a window crack (like super glue or tape). However, these methods will only slow, and not stop, the crack. Eventually, that window crack will spread and will fully break the windows, so it’s best to get ahead of it with window replacement.
But did you know there are different kinds of cracks your windows might experience? Here are some of the most common types of window cracks that could lead to window replacement.
1. Impact Cracks
When you see a window crack, your first instinct is probably that it’s an impact crack, which is a crack caused by any kind of impact against the window. This could be anything from a rock or a ball to a branch slapping against the window in the middle of a storm. Even strong hail can cause impact cracks in your window. Impact cracks have a very distinctive look, like a spiderweb. There’s a center where the actual impact happened, and then many small cracks shooting off of that. It also might appear to be a very small crack, but remember, it can expand and cause some serious damage if you don’t have window replacement done quickly.
2. Stress Cracks
Let’s say the temperature in Glen Ellyn just experienced a sudden uptick. Or maybe you recently cut down a tree that had previously been positioned near your window. Then, seemingly overnight, you notice jagged cracks stretching out from the edge of the window. This crack didn’t spontaneously appear. This is a stress crack, or a “thermal stress crack.” It’s most often caused by sudden temperature changes or changes to shade by the window. These can also be caused by design flaws with the frame, though in that case, you may be dealing with…
3. Edge Cracks
Edge cracks appear almost identical to stress cracks. They also originate from the edge of the window and sprawl out in zigzagged formations. However, edge cracks are not due to any change in temperature so much as damage to the edge of the window. If you want to know whether a crack is due to thermal stress or damage to the edge of the window, check the edge of the window for small “oyster” chips. They’re often hidden beneath the seal of the window and thus difficult to find. Another way to tell the difference is to look at the direction of the cracks. Stress cracks wander all over the window, while edge cracks tend to extend out from the point of damage specifically. In either case, edge cracks or stress cracks generally lead to window replacement.
4. Pressure Cracks
A pressure crack is often one single line running from edge to edge of the window. It’s usually somewhat curved but can run from end to end or in a diagonal fashion. There are a few different reasons for pressure cracks. It could be that there was a problem with the installation. The window might be too high or too low in its elevation. Sharp temperature changes can also cause pressure cracks to appear. There are few ways to prevent these cracks, but when they appear on your windows, it is a good time to have window replacement.
5. Spontaneous Breakage
On rare occasions, windows may simply spontaneously shatter. This happens most frequently with tempered glass, particularly if modifications have been made to tempered glass window panes. If not well manufactured, the chemical makeup can be volatile to the window. You might not notice any problems until one day, the glass breaks. In this case, not only is window replacement the only option but the manufacturer for the window replacement should be carefully chosen and established as a company with a great track record and exceptional customer reviews. You should also be careful not to make any modifications to already tempered glass.
Frequently Asked Questions About Window Cracks and Replacement
Still have questions? Here are some of the questions we hear the most.
What causes window cracks?
Window cracks can be caused by a variety of factors including impact, sudden temperature changes, pressure differences, and spontaneous breakage due to manufacturing defects.
Can window cracks be repaired?
While some minor cracks can be temporarily slowed with DIY methods like super glue or tape, these are not permanent solutions. Most cracks will eventually require window replacement.
How do I identify the type of crack in my window?
Different cracks have distinctive patterns. Impact cracks look like spiderwebs, stress, and edge cracks are jagged and originate from the edge, and pressure cracks are often single curved lines.
What is spontaneous window breakage?
Spontaneous breakage occurs when tempered glass breaks without an obvious cause, often due to manufacturing defects or modifications made to the glass after installation.
When should I replace my cracked window?
If you notice any type of crack in your window, it’s best to consider replacement as soon as possible. Delaying replacement can lead to further damage and higher costs.
Contact Us to Learn More
For reliable window replacement services, trust The Door Store. We provide high-quality windows and expert installation to ensure your home remains safe and visually appealing. Contact us for a free quote today.