Go Green With New Windows
Jan 05, 2017
Maximizing your home energy efficiency is not only good for the planet, it also makes your energy bill easier on the wallet. But looking for replacement windows in Naperville that have a green reputation can lead you on a wild goose chase. There are four components of efficiency to look for in your windows.
1. Solar Heat Gain
Usually when you think about efficient windows, you want to prevent from heat from escaping. But heat transfer works both ways. Windows that let in too much solar heat are more likely to let indoor air conditioning out, and they make a room less comfortable in the hot summer months. Look for a low solar heat gain coefficient when you shop The Door Store for new windows.
2. Visible Transmittance
You may want to keep heat energy from the sun out, but you want to let in visible light. Replacement windows in Naperville that have a high VT rating let in plenty of natural sunshine, making your home brighter and more comfortable without harsh artificial lighting.
3. Air Leakage
Drafty windows are a disaster on chilly nights and windy days. Search for windows that offer a low air leakage number. Window manufacturers do not have to display this metric on the product label, so you may need to talk to a representative at the windows store, or research customer reviews to determine how good your choice is at blocking the breeze.
4. U-Factor
Solar heat gain measures how much external heat makes it into your home, and U-factor measures how much internal heat leaks out. This is one of the most important ratings, since it indicates how much or little of your heat and air conditioning is wasted. Picking windows with a low U-factor measurement is a great way to lower your energy bill and do your part for the planet.
Purchasing replacement windows in Naperville is an opportunity to upgrade your home efficiency. Look for favorable measurement on your new window ratings and watch your energy bill drop.